The 5 most common types of car accidents are shown below. When you look at them it all seems very obvious. What’s important about knowing the different causes of auto accidents is that it can make you more aware of situations that could result in a crash and try to find ways to avoid them. e.g. always look both ways at an intersection crossing, even if your light turns green.

Rear end collisions
These usually happen when you are stopped or have to suddenly brake. If you are stopped, try leaving extra space between your car and the car in front of you. That way if you see someone is coming too close or too fast you have some leeway to move your car forward giving them more space to stop. If your car is rear ended, more space may help you avoid being pushed into the car in front of you which doubles the chance of being injured.
If you have to brake suddenly and someone is following too closely behind there may be no way to avoid being hit. In this case, if at all possible try to brace your head against the headrest. It could mean the difference between a severe and a less severe whiplash injury.
One way to avoid having to brake suddenly is to leave as much space between your car and the car in front of you. That way if they put their brakes on you have more time to brake without having to slam on your brakes.
T-Bone or Cross Traffic Accidents
It is estimated that 12-13 percent of all car accidents in the United States are T-bone type auto accidents. These types of collisions account for about 18% of all fatal car accidents in which one or more person is killed.
This type of a car accident typically happens when someone runs a red light. Even when your light turns green either look both ways before proceeding or pause for just a few seconds to make sure no one is speeding to get through the cross intersection.
This can also happen at intersections with stop signs. Always make sure to check both ways even if there it is a 4 way stop intersection.
Clipping other cars when merging
There are reasons why this happens. Are you guilty of any of these?
1. Not checking your blind spot before trying to merge.
2. Trying to beat out someone without giving enough distance to merge in safely.
3. Misjudging how fast an oncoming car is traveling.
4. Not using your turn signal to alert a merging car that you need to merge into traffic.
5. Not paying attention for the need for a sudden merge because of construction, end of a lane, the need for a sudden change of direction, etc.
Single Car Crashes
While many think that most car accidents happen between 2 or more car/trucks/motorcycles, single vehicle accidents are extremely common. Some of the common causes of single vehicle accidents include:
- Speeding – There are different reasons where speeding is a problem. For one thing it increases that chance of colliding with an object. In addition, speeding plays a role in rollovers. “Speeding” is considered not only as driving about the post speed limit but driving faster for road and/or weather conditions such as fog, heavy rain, snow/ice, or road construction.
- Drunk Driving and Drowsy Driving– The Department of Transportation found that your risks increase 30 percent compared to a sober drivers, as those under the influence are more prone to speeding, swerving and losing control. Being drowsy can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol.
- Distracted Driving – In general, you’re more likely to drift off the road if you are using a cell phone, adjusting the radio or even trying to eat or drink while you are driving. In the process, you might hit a parked car, a median or barrier, or adjacent property.
- Mechanical Failure – The most typical problem is sudden tire “blow out” but any sort of unexpected mechanical failure that impacts steering, braking, or simple operation of the car can lead to an accident. Regular maintenance is the best way to avoid unexpected mechanical failure.
- Swerving to Avoid Hitting an Object or a an Animal– From debris to vehicle parts and items that fell off a truck, when maneuvering around these obstacles you may end up hitting another object. Based on statistics from the NHTSA, losing control, running off the road and colliding with a median or guardrail is the most common cause of single vehicle crashes. Always scan the shoulder of the road for animals and be ready to slow down.
Listed below are 5 common causes of auto accidents. While this is not an exhaustive list, it is some of the most common. You’ll notice under #2, Distracted Driver, that there are actually many forms of distracted driving, not just texting
Driving too closely behind someone without leaving enough space to safely stop if need to stop suddenly.
2.Distracted Driver
Research at the American Automobile Association’s Traffic Safety Division says that between 25-50% of all motor car accidents are caused by distracted driving. Distracted driving includes:
- Talking on cell phones
- Texting
- Rubbernecking
- Driver fatigue
- Looking away from the road at scenery
- Engaging with passengers or children
- Adjusting the radio, cassette or CD player
- Reading books, maps, newspapers or other documents
3.Running a Red Light
Always check for traffic even if your light turns green
4.Aggressive Drivers Speeding and/or Weaving in and out of traffic
If you find yourself in traffic with an aggressive driver, try to keep your distance, changing lanes once it’s safe to do so. Do not attempt to pass an aggressive driver. If the driver is behind you, remain calm and adhere to all speed and safety laws – do not interact with the driver with gestures, words or other signals. If the situation escalates or you feel endangered, call 911 and report the aggressive driver.
5. Inclement Weather –
This includes rain, fog, and here in Georgia, occasionally snow or ice. Make sure you adhere to the basic speed law, traveling only as fast as conditions allow, and that you provide yourself with extra time to stop and additional space between you and the car in front of you.

While Whiplash is one of the most common accident injuries, there are many areas of the body that can be injured that Dr. Alexander can help with the healing process.
There are many injuries that are not considered “critical” or are not life threatening but that none the less can cause severe pain and have a major impact on your life
Some of the injuries that Dr. Alexander can help heal are any joints that have been thrown out of their normal position, spinal disks that have been injured, tendons, ligaments and muscles that have been bruised or torn, and help alleviate ongoing symptoms associated with whiplash injuries such as headaches, fatigue, etc.
No one wants to be in a car accident. Even a very minor fender bender can cause injury and in all cases its a major inconvenience. If you are involved in an accident, it is important to know what to do and what information to get.
Click below to request a ” What To Do If You Are In A Car Accident” card to keep in your glove compartment. When an accident happens, its often difficult to think clearly about how to proceed. This card will help.
Print the card below or call or click here to request a postcard copy from the office and keep it in your glove compartment.*

*DISCLAIMER: This is not offered as any sort of legal advice or information. It is given as some general thoughts when you have been involved in an accident.